Thursday, September 24, 2009

Im backkkkk!

Since school has started on September 2, 2009 it seems like it been more than a month with the amount of ish that has happened. Im lookin at the date now and I still cant believe we have another week of Sepetember left. Grrrr, well for starters lets talk about moving into my new apt. For all MSU students I stay @ the Village at Chandlers crossings. Not bad I know, buh I been here al this time and can you believe this week is the first week I feell safe havin company becaus enow I have presentable furniture and a freakin TV. Not to mention I havent been here a month and already they have my accounnt messed up tellin me I owe them money... They can get on with that!! Buh moving along, classes r cool... How bout yours??? Im jus ready to walk across that stage in May.. Shoutouts to all the GRADUATING SENIORS!!!

Actually lets change this post up.... I wana hear from others... how do yall feel about talking to someone and they tell you from the beginning that they dont want a relationship... Buh they tell you how they like you all teh time... and yall hang all the time, text all the time... Do you give them a chance to change their mind?? Or do you do you and keep it friendly since thas wha they said they wanted from the beginning????

Monday, August 3, 2009

What a weekend.

This had to be one of the best weekends I have had in a while. I have been so stressed with school, and work, and life in general that I havent taken time to relax and kick back. So besides workin I decided to endulge in one of my favorite stress relievers. Not to much, I just went out and bought a more clothes, which would have happened sooner or later, buh what better time than now right? After me and the "boo" enjoyed a night out at the movies and dinner at my favorite restaurant Olive Garden. And to top it off I ended the weekend by partying with my best friends in the whole wide world, Tiffany, Angelica and Rainelle. We went to Crave Lounge in Dearborn. Wow, is all I can say so many of my friends were there, we drank wine and dance the night away. After we went to MGM casino to drink some more, take pictures and eat some fries. =) I know that when I jus get to that point where things dont seem to be going well I can call the besties and the boo and all my worries will go away, well for the time being. I cant wait til the weekend of the 29th to to it again, until then, class, work, study... the usual... Until next time...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Blogging for Business

Who would have thought that when you think of Bloggong for business that would include our President Obama. Before Obama became President Obama he raised millions of dollars for his campeign and motivated his followers and people who wanted to wanted to vote for him. Many people followed his blog and had tremendous relsults.

Once I listened to this youtube video I think most business' should use blogging as a way to get "traffic" for their business. When having a blog for your business than you can attract to your consumers and get them to follow your brand to make them feel more comfortable, and inform them of things happening in your brand. This builds a relationship ebtween the consumer and the manufacturer. Many consumers feel more free investing in something when they are well informed and questions can be answered when they are uncertain. By blogging about your business this happens and traffic from your consumers makes your brand more than likely to be be visited when what you are blogging about is typed in a search engine on the Internet.

Another important concept when blogging for business' is the brand of your business, with some many different brands fo reverything from underwear to computers and cars, you want to be unique and stand out. Make a statement that will show how different you are from the other brands. By blogging about your brand you can let your consumers and potentioal interested consumers why your business is the best business to buy and invest in. Also your consumers can suscribe to your blog and get updates whe you update as well as comment on what you have wrote which, to other consumers can be greatly appreciated to hear form someone who did not invent this product.

Overall blogging for business can help you get more exposure as well as build relationships and make decisons of consumers. i think all business should consider blogging, I read them sometimes especially when making expensive purchases and find them extremely helpful.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting back on track

This summer has been really trying for me. Not only did at tthe end of the spring semester my job cut my hours but my grades were not as I had planned them. With this being the case and graduation in less than a year away I had to make some sacrifices and take another approach to what I would do this summer. My number one sacrifice that I gave up was my job, it wasnt goin to work makinn minimum wage and having less than 10hrs a week. Second I had to deal with the fact I would have to take summer classes if I wanted to bring up my GPA. Lastly, I had to come to terms that I would have to ask for help. Now anyone who knows my personality, I have been working since I was 15 yrs old and the one thing I hated most is to ask for financial help. I have always been alright. So with these decisions in mind, I enrolled in three classes first session and began looking for a job. With this recession though that was hard, and I resorted back home the weekends to work with no other choice. Along with these classes, and driving back and forth to Ypsilanti every weeekend life became real that if I really wanted to go to law school in Fall of 2010 I would need to start to study for this too. I guess slacking off in the srping has brought aboth these consequenses, which I have to jus deal with and suck up. What am I doing now you may ask??? Well, after classes ended first session I decided to come back to Ypsilanti for teh rest of the summer and stay with my parents to save up some money and work. This should set me up well to go in to the fall with little to no money issues and I am still practicing the LSAT, as well as taking this class. One thing I have learned is that you have to hit the bottom to get back on track... Until next time...